A subject of many concerned parents is whether their child can do well in school, obviously having your son or daughter make the grades certainly helps when pursuing higher education, after all parents want what’s best for their children. Likewise adult students in university have concerns about doing well after paying high prices for soaring college costs. This brings up the subject of activating what is known as an “intelligence sector”. As with most modern Feng Shui the misconception that we can place inanimate objects to enhance these areas for study. Again, with these misconceptions, I like to call BS on them. As we creep up on the final weeks of this semester, students of all grade levels start getting prepared for finals before settling in for the holidays, so here are some easy tips to use the best energy in your home to study for those exams.
* Use your Fu Wei (stability ) direction, sit with your back to the direction.
* Use Fu Wei (stability) area in your home to set up a study area: read about Fu Wei here
* Locate the annual flying star #4 (2019 in the North) and activate and/or study in this area.
* Find your personal intelligence star (calculate BaZi here) activate and/or study in the area. For details on activating your "intelligence sector" read this step-by-step guide
* Sit with your back to the “moon” deity in the QiMen Dun JIa system to study when a good formation occurs. You can also use the direction/ deity to meditate on comprehension and retaining knowledge. You can sit this direction if possible during exams, before hand
* For a practitioner, plotting of a QiMen DunJia chart can show prediction on how your exam will go. This will also help see if there's any additional action or study that needs to be taken. This can be used to reschedule an important test if it shows you may not be quite ready. This method is called strategic execution.
*Practicality tells us if we relax a bit we’re able to retain knowledge better. Breathe and stretch on the way to class.
*Self talk is extremely important. If you tell yourself it’s hard then it likely will be. Try thinking phrases such as “ My comprehension is improving everyday” , “I’m able to learn new concepts“ , “ I‘m practicing good study habits“ and “I’m understanding more each day”

Myths and superstition tell you that you can place items such as brushes and pagodas in your study area, I even hear things like you can carry around a lucky coin with the animal sign that represents your intelligence while in an exam. If you think about it this way, we could all place a pagoda on our desk and achieve high grades, get into ivy league schools and achieve the highest levels in our companies. Sounds legit, right?? These concepts were made up by people that sell you the pagodas and coins. You see its not about the items you place but by the action taken using the natural energies of your home. I for one believe the most important thing you can do is activate your intelligence, because the ability to solve life's problems comes from knowledge.

A while back I came across someone seeking advise on how to help their client find a job, she was so focused on picking colors and interior decor that when I suggested she advise him to gain more knowledge, she was adamant that he was highly educated and only needed paint on the walls to fix his financial issues and help him find a job. Despite him being unemployed for some time and on the brink of foreclosure. The truth is that I believe he needed the knowledge or "intelligence" to change his approach or to make things happen for himself. Perhaps even study a new field of work or start a business for himself? So many are under the misconception that simply adding these figurines can fix your issues when it's really about having the knowledge to become better to solve issues yourself. It's a very indirect way that comes from having the know-how. Sorry no easy way out, but you can activate and use the BEST energies to support your learning.
This can also be applied to those in the workforce. Think about it like this...if you get a job position that you've held for 15 years, but never grow in your knowledge or expertise in your field how valuable are you to your company? Who do you think they will downsize first? Obtaining certifications and innovating or rethinking your field makes you more valuable and more qualified to ask for paid time off, raises and having leverage when downsizing takes place. This comes from...want to take a guess? Intelligence! This is why it's the most valuable tool. After all as the saying goes "knowledge is power.