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Monthly Energy Update: May 2022

Welcome to May! Can you believe we're creeping up on Summer? Finally, we're entering a month with a much needed Fire energy of the snake. The month is a wood snake or Yi Si, this mean for those with the day master element of metal this month can be your "wealth month". You may feel the drive and determination if wood is your wealth element. It could also signify opportunities, so keep an eye out! I wonder if I should start talking more on the" Daymaster" element in addition to the animal sign?? What do you think?

Animal Signs and Astrology:

How will this energy impact me?

This energy impact you depending on where it falls in your natal chart remember you have 4 animal signs. Take note of where the animal sign falls and that is the area it has potential to impact.

Year: Social circle, friends and community

Month: Career, or parental relationships

Day: Health, relationship Hour: Thoughts, feelings, emotions, relationship with children

Discover your 4 animal signs and elements here:

Snake: Anytime an animal sign that is in your natal chart is present for the year/month, it can feel more stressful as you feel like your more visible or "seen". Make choices carefully during these times. You can look to days that combine like Rooster, Ox & Monkey


Rooster & Ox: You may benefit from the extra metal in terms of focus or creative thinking, continue to watch health issues like repository, allergies, eczema etc. if you already have a lot of metal.


Monkey: Combining with the Snake creates the element of water. It can also create a few issues in terms of friendships. This a month you won't want to help undeserving people, if you do you may find them to be ungrateful, unappreciative or asking for more. Be cautious of who you help out. Water can also make you feel more emotional, be aware this energy will pass.


These are the animal signs that make up the season of Summer (Snake, Horse & Goat ). All 3 animal signs should be present to form combination to make the element of FIRE.

I've recently came to understanding the importance of seasonal combinations in a natal chart. The presence of this combination has the potential to make you very strong, show wealth opportunity etc.

Horse & Goat: The presence of Horse and Goat can add some much needed FIRE to the mix, with this year being so low on Fire you may benefit from to hopefully boost happiness, or re discover your connection to the divine that you felt lacking. If your fire is excessive watch out for health issues pertaining to your heart.


This is the animal sign that directly opposes the governing energy. This month it's the Pig!!

Pig: Pig doesn't have much of a clash this month because it benefits from the combination with the Tiger for the year. When you have a combination, it takes away the clash! Lucky you!


Feng Shui:

Best Sectors:

South is the top pick for west sectors for May. Most other sectors have monthly afflictions visiting

West : Flying stars 1-7 in the West can prove useful when you get the daily 4 star in. Use the area for sales, but don't activate with water.

Worst sectors: Avoid over activation of these areas, general use is fine

Southwest: The "sky horse" star visits Southwest 3 (Monkey) that could potentially cause negative energy in the sector to accelerate or impact your home faster. Avoid renovation, digging and keep the area quiet. The presence of the "5 yellow" star makes this area dangerous if triggered. Stars are triggered with movement so avoid this sector if its a main door, don't rearrange furniture this month.

Best Dates:

Full Day | Goat: 6th, 18th

3 Harmony- Pig & Rabbit | 6 combo- Horse | Clash- Ox

* Signing contracts, grand opening, launch a new business, start a long term project, installing home equipment

Open day | Rabbit: 14th, 26th

3 Harmony - Goat & Pig | 6 Combo- Dog | Clash- Rooster

* House warming parties ,"open house" business agreements, grand opening of a business

Remove Day | Horse: 17th, 29th,

3 Harmony-Dog & Tiger | 6 Combo - Goat | Clash- Rat

*Starting a new diet, quit smoking, surgery to remove something from your body, end relationship or file for divorce

Initiate Day | Dog : 21st

3 Harmony- Tiger & Horse| 6 Combo - Rabbit | Clash- Dragon

*Starting new assignments or projects, renovations, groundbreaking

Danger Day | Rat : 23rd, June 4th

3 Harmony - Monkey & Dragon | 6 Combo - Ox | Clash - Horse

*Prayer and worships, Feng Shui adjustments, groundbreaking

Close Day | Dragon : 27th

3 Harmony - Monkey & Rat | 6 Combo - Rooster | Clash - Dog

*Closing a project, finishing up work, wrapping up assignments. “Closing deals”

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