Welcome to the month of Bing Shen or Fire monkey!
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Here we are a week and a 1/2 into August and 3 days onto the 7th Lunar Month! This month is already sneaking away from me in a way I wasn't prepared for! Looking at patterns with in the system of Chinese Metaphysics were able to make some assumptions of what to expect for the month. Looking at the energy that governs the month, we can take a little clue from the year 2016 which was a Bing Shen year. If you think back, try to remember lessons learned, situations you were in or the general feel of that year for you. How did you manage and navigate? By looking at the energy you can be prepared for challenges or welcome a smoother time.
Lucky Animal Signs:
MONKEY: When a year or month comes in that's the same animal sign you have in your natal chart, you can anticipate more eyes on you or being the focus of more attention. Good OR Bad?? Well...I suppose it's about what you're doing that can determine that. It's definitely a month to watch your actions & be mindful if you're born under the animal sign of Monkey.
RAT: Rat combines with the monkey to make part of a water combination. Depending on what water means to you, it can create more feelings of unease, emotions or restlessness since the rat already has the element of water present. Bonus for you this year since the Rat already combines with the Ox, this may not effect you as much. Use the days containing Dragon (Success Day) to complete the harmonious energy and give you a boost.
Dragon: Dragon is the other 1/3 of the Monkey/Rat/Dragon combo that make up that water frame. You can use the Rat days (Stable days) to calm the energy and bring a sense of stability if you're feeling too out off touch.
Snake: Although the snake and monkey combine, sometimes this can create a energy you need to be cautious of. Almost like helping the wrong people when you know you shouldn't. My advice to you this month, Don't feel sorry for anyone, it'll lead to you regretting it.
Animal sign clashes:
Tigers take note of the clashing energy. Be careful of accidents this month.
Notable Energies: Steer clear of the Southwest this onto as the Southwest 1 (goat) is still affected by the year breaker and now the 5 star.
Avoid the area of Northwest 3 as the animal sign of Tiger opposes the months energy and is known as the "month breaker."
